Piers Schmidt featured on ‘The Social Hotelier’ podcast


I enjoyed joining Sam-Erik Ruttmann on the latest episode of his podcast, ‘The Social Hoteliery’, which aired on podcast platforms on 2 April, 2024.

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Our conversation explored the challenges luxury hotel brands face in garnering global recognition and accruing brand value, especially compared to their counterparts in the luxury goods sector. We scrutinised the disparity in pricing premiums between luxury hotels and goods, tackling the complex issues of visibility and marketing that hotel brands must navigate. Sam-Erik engaged me in a thought-provoking discussion on the fine line separating ‘ultra’-luxury from luxury hotel brands and the growth constraints for the ultra-luxury segment.

In a wide-ranging conversation, we also discussed the failure of loyalty programmes to foster genuine affinity with guests and the pioneering regenerative tourism initiatives being developed by Red Sea Global in Saudi Arabia. Finally, we touched upon the promising horizon for niche luxury hotel concepts.

Our discussion offers invaluable insights into the luxury hospitality industry, shedding light on its current challenges and the opportunities ahead. Join us for the inside scoop on the dynamics shaping the future of luxury hospitality today.


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